The plight of Spy Boy Ricky Gettridge is startling and shocking. What many would consider an once in a lifetime blindfolding of lady justice, others are all too familiar with. The content of your wallet has more to do with how your treated in this country instead of the content of your character. Let's be honest here. Do you think O.J. would've be set free if he was a shipyard worker from New Orleans? It's a continuous pattern in our country, our state, and our city.
The lower middle class and lower class are treated as a stepping stone for the upper middle class and the upper class in this society. While you sit in your warm comfortable home and shake your head about what I'm talking about think for a second. Many people look down on those who make less than they do. Can you imagine being in their shoes?
You've worked hard all your life to just get by. While your financial situation isn't the best, you keep plugging away. While your working hard your given a fake check for the back breaking work you have done. You only find this out after you have been to the bank and they look at you like pond scum. Nothing feels worse than being judged for something you couldn't help. Next you get summoned to court for "your" violation of the law. Before you know it your being hustled through court proceedings and remanded to the bailiff. Not only are you thrown in jail over a bad check (you didn't write) but, the company that left you out to dry is gone down the road. Is the local government seeking them? Of course not, they have you.
Whether you have heard of others being subject to this or you never have it's baffling. You may have enough money to get a lawyer or have enough know with all to grasp what's happened. There are many who do not. It is not by any mistake that the Orleans jail and surrounding parishes are filled with those who maybe financially less fortunate.